Get started quickly and easily with Credit Sense
Getting started is easy, and if you do need help, our Technical Account Managers are here to assist you.
There are three parts to implementing Credit Sense, engaging your customers, monitoring their progress and receiving data.
Engage your customers
How you engage customers will depend on your business processes and what problems you’re solving with bank transaction data. We support embedding the engagement into your site or application form, and standalone solutions to engage customers with email or SMS links and in-person kiosks.
We support a number of easy integration options that deliver maximum engagement with your customers. Add a simple one-line script tag to your HTML wherever you expect the Credit Sense launcher to appear and you’ll be up and running in no time.
Configure your customer journey
A Technical Account Manager will meet with you to understand your use cases and configure your development and production environments. From there you can build your integration script using the examples in our help docs.
Integrating the customer journey involves adding our code to your app by inserting the iframe element where you want Credit Sense to appear within your application journey.
You can include the jQuery dependency on your website by either using the CDN version of jQuery in this code snippet or self-host the code in your app. The Credit Sense loader script is included on your website after the jQuery script.
If you need assistance building or testing your integration, our Technical Account Managers are available to help.
Integration Code
Copy CodeCustomer Journey iFrame
<iframe id="creditSenseIFrame" src="about:blank" style="height: 580px; width:98%; border: none">iframes are not supported in this browser</iframe>
Loader Scripts
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>
Monitoring applicant progress
Include the Credit Sense initialisation script after the Credit Sense iframe script tags.
Our customer journey provides feedback to your application through JS callbacks. You can track customer progress by monitoring these events for everything from when the customer submits credentials, to when the data has been retrieved.
Your monitoring can be as light or comprehensive as you need to enable automation on your side and drive more personalised experiences for customers.
Alternatively, you can poll our API or await the webhook. You can also view the status of specific customer engagements from the dashboard.
Integration Code
Copy CodeInitialise and Receive Events from Credit Sense
<script> function logMsg(message) { if (typeof console == "object") console.log(message); else alert(message); } $(document).ready(function() { $.CreditSense.Iframe({ client: "DEMO", elementSelector: "#creditSenseIFrame", enableDynamicHeight: true, params: { /* Set this value to a unique reference for the application */ appRef: '<your unique app reference>', /* indicates that the appRef provided is unique */ uniqueAppRef: true }, callback: function(response, data) { switch (response) { case "99": /* Example status code (Bank status success) */ logMsg('Bank details collected successfully'); break; case "100": /* Example status code */ onApplicationSuccess(); break; } } }); }); </script>
Receive your data and Insights
Once we’ve retrieved the customer’s data we automatically deliver it to you in real-time via a webhook to your secure endpoint. You can also access customer data via our API or directly from the client dashboard.
Here are some examples of what you can do:
- Capture the completed application in real-time via webhook
- Receive notifications via email when apps are completed
- Access historical data via API
- Access generated reports via the dashboard
Next Steps
Explore the documentation